This is the fifth part in a series of posts for non-experts about setting up an Ioke development environment on Linux. Please see the previous posts to start at the beginning:

This time we will finally get the Ioke source code, build it, and test the Ioke REPL!


Ioke uses Git as the source code versioning tool, with a public repository set up on GitHub (soon I’ll be linking like Jeff Atwood).

So - let’s get Ioke using Git by cloning Ola’s repository:

~/bin$ cd ~/work
~/work$ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/melwin/work/ioke/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 9221, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2941/2941), done.
remote: Total 9221 (delta 5782), reused 8656 (delta 5351)
Receiving objects: 100% (9221/9221), 45.95 MiB | 399 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5782/5782), done.

Great - let’s quickly move on to the build step:

~/work$ cd ioke
~/work/ioke$ ant
     [java] 2606 examples, 0 failures
      [jar] Building jar: /home/melwin/work/ioke/lib/ioke.jar

Total time: 22 seconds

Running just ant will execute the default target in the build.xml file. This target will make sure Ioke is compiled and the test suite is run.

At the end is a summary of the test results - if these are not all successful you might have a problem with the environment or you might have checked out a broken build from the repository.

The Ioke REPL

Now all is installed and Ioke is compiled, so let’s fire up the REPL. This is done by just running the main Ioke binary:

~/work/ioke/$ bin/ioke

When doing this we get the iik> REPL prompt. From here we can execute most Ioke code. Let’s try to print a string:

iik> "Hello World!" println
Hello World!
+> nil


Here we create a Text (Ioke’s string type) literal and send it the message println, which will cause the text to be printed to the console. The return type of println is nil (similar to null), which is printed by the REPL itself. After that we get the prompt back and can execute another line.

Let’s try a little more complex example - the factorial:

iik> fact = method(n, if(n > 1, n * fact(n pred), 1))
+> fact:method(n, if(n >(1), n *(fact(n pred)), 1))

Note how the REPL prints the method definition in a canonical form - it makes it obvious how Ioke parses the code, what are messages and what are arguments.

Let’s run our new factorial function:

iik> fact(3)
+> 6

iik> fact(10)
+> 3628800

iik> fact(50)
+> 30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512000000000000

Ioke handles arbitrarily big numbers, so we don’t need to think about what fits in a certain number of bits.

The Iik REPL also comes with a simple debugger, which helps with handling conditions. For instance, let’s try to run the fact method, passing a message which doesn’t mean anything (yet):

iik> fact(f)
*** - couldn't find cell 'f' on 'Ground_0xC360E7' (Condition Error NoSuchCell)
 f                                                [<init>:1:5]
The following restarts are available:
 0: storeValue           (Store value for: f)
 1: useValue             (Use value for: f)
 2: abort                (restart: abort)
 3: quit                 (restart: quit)

 dbg:1> 1
  dbg:1:newValue> 5
  +> 5

+> 120

The above output shows that when we try to reference something that doesn’t exist we get a chance to provide that value. Here I decided to provide a value using the useValue restart and entered the value 5. This let the method continue executing and the result was printed.

To exit the REPL, just type: exit

Next up are the Emacs modes for Ioke - stay tuned!


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23 January 2009